martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Description of the county of Arauco

The County of Arauco is the most southern in the region. Conformed by seven communes: Arauco, Curanilahue, Contulmo, Tirúa, The Poplars, Cañete and their capital, Lebu. This county has a surface of 5.423.6 km2 where they cohabit about 158 thousand inhabitants approximately. Of these, the 12,7%pertenece to the ethnos Mapuche, becoming the county with bigger autochthonous population of the country.

The territory is characterized by the presence of straits coastal valleys next to the reappearance of the mountain range of Nahuelbuta, besides the existence of the lakes Lanalhue and Lleu Lleu, attractive lakes that attract to tourists' thousands in summer time. In front of the costs of Tirúa one of the three islands of the region, Blunt Island, the one is glimpsed which administratively belongs to the provincial capital, Lebu. Accessible through boats or light planes, this National Reservation is inhabited for less than a thousand personas,quienes they live for the most part off the agriculture and the fishing.

The county of Arauco is quite privileged since it possesses leafy native, concentrated vegetation mainly in the coast and in the precordillera of the Costa. Inside the range of species, it is possible to admire hazel trees, oaks, ulmos and cinnamon trees; besides araucarias, raulíes and mountain range cypress, among others. In smaller scale lengas is observed, laureles,tineos, lingues, coigües, lumas, mañíos, boldos, quillay and even ñires.

In connection with the fauna, the coastal sector shows the presence of some mammals like the sea wolf, pumas, foxes accuse you, chingues, rabbits, hares, coipos besides some birds like quail, turtledove, choroy, cachaña, ducks, partridge, torcaza, mandola, tucuquere, cahuil and gull franklin. They exist other species that are observed, which traffic for the area in address to The Andes, I eat the black carpenter and the condor for example.

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